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Mittwoch, 11. November 2009, 22:17

Stargate: The Imperative

Hallo alles,

My sincerest apologies for writing english in your german based forum. Hope it is alright.

I wanted to introduce you to our upcoming Stargate based short film, Stargate: The Imperative.

The Imperative is a short film, focusing on the journey of callsign Horseman 2-1; a special forces team sent through the gate to eliminate a high value goa'uld threat.
The storyline follows the team as they carry out their task and the ensuing events.

The short was shot on a 90€ budget, excluding a fair amount of gear purchased quite a while ago. As such we used mostly surplus bundeswehr equipment!

Besides the 4 actors taking part in the movie, it is only I left, serving as director/producer/VFX/SFX/Alles. Tommy Kraft has however generously signed on to do the OST! :)

To date we have released two short trailers, more like teasers rather than trailers, but alas. We are scheduled for a December 10th release date, so stay tuned.

Comments and criticism is always very much welcome.

Here comes a google translation which will probably be helpful :)

"Hallo alles,

Mein aufrichtiger Entschuldigung für das Schreiben von Englisch auf Deutsch in Ihrem Forum. Hoffe, es ist in Ordnung.

Ich wollte Ihnen, unseren bevorstehenden Einführung der Grundlage Stargate Kurzfilm, Stargate: The Imperative.

Der Imperativ ist ein Kurzfilm, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf der Reise von Rufzeichen Horseman 2-1; ein Special Forces-Team geschickt durch das Tor auf einen hohen Wert zu beseitigen Goa'uld bedroht.
Die Handlung folgt dem Team, wie sie ihrer Aufgabe zu tragen und den darauf folgenden Ereignissen.

Die kurze wurde auf einem 90 € Budget gedreht, ohne eine angemessene Menge Ausrüstung gekauft schon eine Weile her. Als solche benutzten wir meist Überschuss Bundeswehr Ausrüstung!

Neben den 4 Akteure, die an den Film, ist es nur ich ging, die als Regisseur / Produzent / VFX / SFX / Alles. Tommy Kraft hat jedoch großzügig auf den OST nicht unterzeichnet! :)

Bis heute haben wir zwei kurze Trailer, mehr als Teaser Trailer veröffentlicht, aber leider. Wir sind für eine 10. Dezember Veröffentlichungstermin vorgesehen, also stay tuned.

Kommentare und Kritik sind immer sehr willkommen. Sie können auf Deutsch geschrieben werden, ich bin zwischen den verschiedenen Standorten und Übersetzung meiner begrenzten Kenntnisse Ihrer Sprache, die ich sollte in der Lage, die Dinge zu entziffern sicher:)"

Trailer #1:

Trailer #2:

Marcus Gräfe


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Mittwoch, 11. November 2009, 22:36

Both trailers look very good, very professional as well. I'm looking forward to see this movie. But there's one thing, I have to criticize: There was no Stargate feeling at all. Well, there was a Stargate and also some Goa'uld space ships, but only these things do not make a Stargate film. A year ago (or two) I saw a Stargate fanfilm, which had nearly no Stargate elements. I hope, this movie shows more Stargate related situations than in the trailers.

But as I said before, good job on the trailers.




Mittwoch, 11. November 2009, 22:52

Both trailers look very good, very professional as well. I'm looking forward to see this movie. But there's one thing, I have to criticize: There was no Stargate feeling at all. Well, there was a Stargate and also some Goa'uld space ships, but only these things do not make a Stargate film. A year ago (or two) I saw a Stargate fanfilm, which had nearly no Stargate elements. I hope, this movie shows more Stargate related situations than in the trailers.

But as I said before, good job on the trailers.
Thank you for the comment, very much appreciated.

I take the critiscism to heart, and must admit- I do believe it will be our weakest link as well. When I was writing the script I had more of a militaristic Stargate based short film in my mind, fighting a relentless battle against Jaffa- however after production ended I realized that in a way we compromised the Stargate feel.


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Mittwoch, 11. November 2009, 22:53

Das sah ja mal sehr gut aus! Ich bin zwar kein Stargate Fan aber werde mir den sicherlich trotzdem anschauen ;-)


Donnerstag, 12. November 2009, 01:19

That looks pretty nice. I am really looking forward to see the movie.

Btw looks like you used google translation for your first post.
Sometimes it's better not to translate things. :)




Freitag, 13. November 2009, 15:14

That looks pretty nice. I am really looking forward to see the movie.

Btw looks like you used google translation for your first post.
Sometimes it's better not to translate things. :)
Cheers for the comments guys.

Hehe, I figured as much regarding the google translation, but I figured I could include it just for extra safety. :D

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